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- Choose Your Hard and Increase Your Joy at Work
Choose Your Hard and Increase Your Joy at Work
Welcome to the Growth Guide, a weekly newsletter where I share actionable ideas to help you Live Better, Achieve More and Be Financially Free.
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Live Better
This week on the Growth Guide Podcast we talked to Beth Stallwood, author of Workjoy: A Toolkit for a Better Working Life.
The average person spends 35% of their total waking hours working.
60% of those people are unhappy with their jobs.
In Workjoy, Beth inspires you to take ownership of your working life by breaking free from the idea of work-life balance and un-blurring your boundaries.
She shows you how to reframe your work relationships, let go of limiting beliefs and craft Big Goals.
Click below to listen to the episode with Beth Stallwood:
Achieve More
Life is hard.
Whether the process is hard,
Or it’s the results that are hard.
You get to choose your version of hard.
Do today what other’s won’t; do tomorrow what other’s can’t.
Today I had a conversation with a retired Commander of the U.S. Navy SEALs, Mark Divine.
It was a wide-ranging conversation we’ll be sharing with you on a future Podcast and YouTube Episode.
Our talk about synchronicity blew me away, because his book, which I hadn’t read yet,
Dove into the Two Wolves Concept from two weeks ago
Talked about today’s newsletter - choose your hard
Choose Your Hard
If you choose to do hard things, you’ll often have a good life.
If you choose to live comfortably and not push at your edges, you’ll often have a hard life.
Mark and I both believe you need to suck it up and do the hard work to become the best version of yourself and a few of the things we talked about are:
20x Factor
Do Hard Things
Learn to Embrace the Suck
Build Your Get Sh!t Done Muscle
20x Factor
When he was at Hell Week, Mark recalled Lieutenant Zinke yelling You guys are capable of at least twenty times what you think you are. Now get off your sorry asses and hit that surf!
As he went through Hell Week, he realized he possibly was capable of 20x more than he’d realized.
Since then, his research has shown the seals weren’t the first warriors to figure out the idea of mighty efforts to prepare warriors for battle and Mark notes:
You may think progress in science and material wealth means we don’t have to suffer the challenges these warriors endured. That would be missing the point - hard work built character then as it does now, while a soft life weakens it.
Comfort imprisons us in a low-grade fear of suffering. We naturally shy from things that hurt, not understanding how much this pattern debilitates us and keeps us from experiencing life at its fullest.
We must define our comfort zone, and then get the heck out of it! The 20x Factor is all about embracing a personal culture of mighty effort.
Do Hard Things
I write about this consistently.
If you don’t do hard things, you can’t expect good things.
When you continuously do hard things, you teach yourself you can achieve anything.
I recommend you:
Start small
Start where you are
Increase difficulty slowly
Be consistent in what you do
Hard things don’t need to be physical.
You can:
Do a 30 day yoga challenge
Challenge yourself to read 40 books
Pursue your Master’s Degree or do a PhD
Learn to Embrace the Suck
I’ll never get tired of saying it,
To be great, Embrace the Suck.
Embrace the Suck long enough to be good.
Be good long enough until you become great.
To go from suck → Good → Great, use Consistency.
Whether positive or negative, consistency compounds.
Build Your Get Sh!t Done Muscle
Building my Get Sh!t Done Muscle changed my life.
Prior to building it, I never achieved anything meaningful.
My life wasn’t bad. In fact, it was easy and I was comfortable.
The problem was, my results aligned with an easy, comfortable life:
Few investments
A low career ceiling
No vision of my future
No purpose to live life for
It all changed when I built my Get Sh!t Done Muscle.
By building this muscle, I learned I could achieve anything I wanted in life, as long as I:
Knew what I wanted
Understood what it took
Did the work. Day in. Day out
By making my life harder [the process], I made my life easier [the results].
Even better, the more I created a process that challenged and pushed me, the more I enjoyed living life this way.
Choose to Live Hard Today so you can Live Easy Tomorrow.
A Thought
The decision to live a hard life to get the results I wanted is something I wish I’d done 10+ years earlier.
I have few regrets in life and this is one of them.
A Question
Where can you push your edges?
How can you be less comfortable to get the results you want?
For the Thought and Question, drop me a note - I want to hear from you.
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