ChatGPT Writing Lab and 100th Episode of the Growth Guide

Welcome to the Growth Guide, a weekly newsletter where I share actionable ideas to help you Live Better, Achieve More and Be Financially Free.

Live Better

This week marks the 100th episode of the Growth Guide Podcast and my dear friend, Lauren Keen Aumond joined me, reversed the tables and interviewed me.

Over the last 20+ years, I’ve failed too many times to count.

And, I’ve completed big goals:

  • CFO

  • Ironman

  • Ultramarathon

  • Wrote my 1st novel

  • Launched our Podcast

  • Own $10m of real estate

  • Multi-millionaire net worth

In this episode, we talk about some lessons you can use to do the same:

  • Own your sh!t

  • Be consistent

  • Wake up early

  • Effort to results

  • Learn from failure

  • Embrace the suck

  • Focus on rare skills

  • Be in the right room

  • Focus on your strengths

  • Compound interest in action

  • Build your Get Sh!t Done Muscle

Start with the smallest step possible.

Be consistent with it and you’ll see growth.

As you see growth, you’ll work your way to a bigger and bigger goal.

When you do that with one goal and you’re successful, you’re able to say well wait, now I’m going to take that to something bigger.

Click below to listen to the episode:

Achieve More

ChatGPT and AI are going to change the world.

But, most of us don't have a clue how to use them properly.

I want to provide you with a simple framework to turn ChatGPT into your Personal:

  • Intern

  • Assistant

  • Researcher

The key with any of these roles on your team, whether they’re in real life or artificial intelligence, is you need to:

  1. Give clear direction

  2. Review any work product

  3. Refine your directions further

  4. Continue to rinse and repeat the process

I get it. Creating content is hard.

  • You write a newsletter

  • You’re on 5 social media networks

  • You want to write offers that convert and sell

But there's only so much time in the day.

​The solution is to learn the power of artificial intelligence.

If you're a content creator, you:

  • ​Never want to start from a blank page

  • ​Need usable content that requires few edits

  • ​Want results you can be proud to show your clients

We’ve grown to 400,000+ followers on social media and our content reaches 30+ million people every single month.

But, I'll let you in on A Secret.

​We don't write all of our own content.

​We use AI to help power our personal content engines.

You don't need to be a prompt engineer.

​In fact, most of those 50 prompts to improve your marketing content guides and tweets you see aren't worth your time.

​​You don't need to spend thousands of dollars hiring an AI expert to do it.

​Once you learn how our systems work, you'll never run out of content ideas again and your writing will be effortless.

​Anybody can do this and we're excited to show you how.

Today is the launch of The AI-Writing Lab and we have a special offer for our readers:

  1. The first 100 people to sign up get 50% off ($100) with code: CLINT100

  2. The second 100 people to sign up get 25% off ($50) with code: CLINT50

We’re sending this email out to 65,000 people across three newsletters today and sharing it on our social media.

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to save $100, learn how to use ChatGPT effectively and change your life.

Be Financially Free

Something I was thinking about this week to leave you with for financial independence at its simplest:

  1. Make more money

  2. Spend less than you make

  3. Invest the difference in simple ETFs

  4. Wait long enough and you’ll be a millionaire

We don’t need to complicate it, do we?

A Thought

Most of life is simpler than we make it out to be.

It’s not to say it’s easy, but it is simple.

A Question

In your life, what can you simplify?


For the Thought and Question, drop me a note - I want to hear from you.

When you have 10 referrals, you’ll receive a Free Guide on the 15 Mindset Shifts that will help you be a Millionaire.


or to participate.