My Birthday Offer to You - The AI Writing Lab

Today, I turn 45.

I’m excited about next year.

There are so many cool things we’re working on behind the scenes that we’ll be able to share with you over the next 24 months.

Right now, though, I want to tell you about an opportunity to hang out with me tomorrow for 3 hours and learn how to use ChatGPT to change your life.

As a birthday present, I’m giving you 50% off with the code CLINT50.

ChatGPT Earned my Friend $500+ Per Hour

A few months ago, I was having a conversation with a friend.

He's a CEO of a technology company and an industry consultant.

He told me how something I'd shown him helped him earn $500+ per hour.

Let me explain.

A month earlier, we'd been having a conversation about ChatGPT, and I showed him how I use it as an:

  • Intern

  • Researcher

  • Personal Assistant

We dove deep into some simple concepts, like how he could use it to:

  • ​Generate ideas

  • Rewrite and reframe

  • Research and summarize

So, fast forward to a month later while we're having dinner after an event with our sons and he shared with me he was using it on a daily basis, which is huge value, as-is, for a CEO.

But, he shared the KICKER.

A business in his industry wanted him to give a talk and he'd earn $500+ per hour for it, but...he felt he wasn't as up-to-date on it as he'd like, so he said YES.

He said yes and then he did everything we talked about. He went back to BingChat, which is connected to the Internet, and did his research.

He used the AI to understand what new events, technologies and methodologies would be relevant to the client he was going to have a conversation with.

Remember, he was already an expert in the field.

He was the CEO of one of the leading companies in the field and wanted to brush up his skills.

The AI gave him the confidence to step in front of the room and have a long call as a topic master.

A casual conversation over dinner,

Turned into my friend earning $500+ per hour for a conversation.

Think about what AI can do for you in your life.

To celebrate my 45th Birthday, I’m going to be recording a couple Podcasts, which you know I’m passionate about and will hang out with my family on the beach, play some pickleball and watch a movie.

Tomorrow, I want to hang out with you for 3 hours and talk ChatGPT and how to use it to change your life.

Have a Great Day Today,



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